Pure Linen Classic Collar Shirt

Pure Linen Classic Collar Shirt

Pure Linen classic collar shirt is one of the most classic and elegant clothing of all time. This type of clothing is available in a huge variety of fabrics and styles and its unique fabric makes it stand out among the rest of the fabrics available today. Unlike the common cotton shirts that are made to look stylish but are actually made with cotton that makes them look good, Pure Linen classic collars are crafted from pure cotton which makes them soft and comfortable. They are also machine washable so you can enjoy hassle-free care and maintenance. They also have some great features that other brands do not have such as neckline stitching that is very low which creates a classic collar shape and the ability to be able to use a collarless style.

Pure Linen classic collars feature a simple but elegant design that can work for both formal and casual occasions. These shirts feature a double cuff which means you only have to get one cuff and this means it will fit tighter around your neck meaning you won’t have to deal with any loose strings or sagging fabric. The double collar feature also offers some protection to your neck from chafing and rubbing so it ensures that your shirt stays in place and doesn’t move around on you. This type of fabric also has the ability to dry extremely quickly, which helps with getting an elegant-looking finish.

Pure Linen clothes are crafted with some great fabric features and some of these features include the ability to wear them with a V-neck sweater or blouse. The V-neck style allows the shirt to stay put and offers a smooth line between the shirt collar and the V-neck. It also works well with plain t-shirts or jeans. When worn with a button down collar, the shirt is able to stay put and does not move around which is a great advantage over other collars that move around when being worn with a button down collar.

The fabric that Pure Linen clothes are made out of is also beneficial because it works well with any type of dye. When it comes to dying the linen fabric, there are no two fabrics that are alike. Each fabric type reacts differently to the dye that is used so it is important to test the fabric that you intend to dye against a sample piece to ensure that the dye will work with the fabric. Pure linen clothing is naturally cool to the touch and so when you get a fabric that is too hot it will not drape properly on your body and could cause irritation. Cool linens such as Pure Linen will stay cool and are perfect for people who like to wear casual apparel.

Pure Linen collars are usually machine washable. It is suggested that you wash your garment by hand because machine washing could cause the fabric to get a bit too dirty. It is also important to read the care instructions on the label before you begin washing the fabric. If you do not want to hand wash your garment, you can hang the garment in the dryer briefly to get rid of excess water. If you choose to dry clean your collar, it is recommended that you use the delicate cycle on your dryer rather than the regular spin cycle.

When taking your Pure Linen collars off, you should be aware that there are two different closures on this garment. The traditional front button style is popular among many people. If you would prefer a more formal look, you can opt for the back pocket closure that is found on many Pure Linen shirts. Both styles are secure and easy to take off and put on. Since Pure Linen fabric is very durable, it should last you a long time if you take good care of it. If you want to buy a classic collar shirt, then Pure Linen is a great option.

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